
March 18, 2007

Why McCain will never get the GOP nomination

Did you happen to catch Sen. John McCain's interview with a British newspaper?

He apparently believes the most important priority for the next president is to suck up improve our image with the dissolute, effete Europeans.

And the best way to do this?

According to The Sunday Telegraph, McCain said this:

"I would immediately close Guantanamo Bay, move all the prisoners to Fort Leavenworth (an army base in Kansas) and truly expedite the judicial proceedings in their cases," he said. "I would reaffirm my commitment to address the issue of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. I know how important this is in Europe in particular."

Captain Ed is not impressed.

McCain seems pretty eager to pander to Europe as part of his presidential campaign. I wonder how many votes he expects to win in London.

One would expect more sense from McCain, especially on Gitmo and greenhouse gas policy. On the latter, McCain voted against the Kyoto pact that the Europeans insist on forcing us to adopt; in fact, the Senate shot it down 95-0 before Clinton could even submit it, led by those Ugly Americans, Chuck Hagel and Robert Byrd. Has he now decided that the US should adopt crippling economic sanctions while allowing India and China to remain outside the restrictions?

Closing Gitmo only means that the US has to open a similar facility elsewhere. Non-uniformed combatants seized while at war against the United States have never gained access to our civil court system, ever. They don't belong in American criminal prisons, and I'd prefer they get warehoused somewhere else than Midwestern America.

Having them on an island, where any potential escape means getting eaten by sharks, sounds much better to me.

If McCain locks them up here, it will only increase the attempts to grant the terrorists habeas corpus and have them tranferred to courts designed to handle robberies and fraud, not attempts to conduct war against America.

This takes McCain out of RINO country and into Moonbat Central. He may call himself a Republican, but his views are now solidly of a piece with the Democratic Party.

He's more likely to win the Donk's nom than the GOP's top spot on the ticket.

And politics aside, I agree with Captain Ed's assessment of the mind-boggling idiocy of McCain's positions. They reveal a man clearly out of touch with the realities and requirements of fighting for the best interests of the United States.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 18, 2007 03:42 PM | TrackBack


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