
April 16, 2007

One man?

One man with a gun kills more than 30 people, methodically, deliberately, in a state that has liberal concealed-carry laws.

Of course, he does it in a place where the law-abiding -- albeit, soon to be dead law-abiding citizens -- are barred from carrying weapons.

Beldar points out that Virginia Tech refused to allow students-- or anyone else -- to possess firearms on campus, much to the delight of anti-gun advocates, who lauded the continued ban as a victory for campus safety.

Worked out really well.

As I read the reports of students lining up as commanded by the killer -- and then predictably executed -- I can't help but wonder how things might have played out if any one of the students had been armed.

Or if they had rushed the gunman; although an act of tremendous bravery, a culture that taught its youth to aggressively confront evil would produce men and women that understood that courage can defeat killers, that he wouldn't be able to shoot them all before he was overcome.

The real tragedy is that we've trained our kids to go to their deaths like lambs to slaughter. I'd have hoped that Flight 93 -- Let's roll! -- would provide the blueprint for future confrontations with madmen.

My condolences to the families of the slain students.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 16, 2007 08:45 PM | TrackBack


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