
April 23, 2007

Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning

But not quite so much if Jeeves does the reveille business.

There are 50 different versions of "Rise and shine!", all delivered in the plummiest tones one would expect from a proper English butler, masterpieces of dry, droll, sophisticated sarcasm.

I am delighted you have survived another night.

If you will allow a personal note, sir, may I add my own small congratulations to the roar of the world's approval?

Thank you, sir.

Then there's this greeting.

I'm so sorry to disturb you, Sir, but it appears to be morning. Very inconvenient, I agree. I believe is the rotation of the Earth that is to blame, Sir.

But my favorite of the samples posted is this one.

I feel sure that you have slept soundly, feel thoroughly refreshed, and await the day with the anticipation of an energetic gazelle.

Good heavens, Sir, I saw a pig flying past the window.

If you're a fan of Jeeves and Wooster -- or just tired of the nails-on-chalkboard DJ hosting the morning show programmed on the clockradio -- this might be a nice way to ease the transition from dreams of luxury and leisure to the cold, grim work-a-day of us uncouth salarymen.

Discovered via Engadget.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 23, 2007 07:10 AM | TrackBack


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