
May 04, 2007

Bump: Speak up, dammit!

I've bumped this to the top of the blog, hoping that you folks will take a minute and add your names to the petition by filling out the form below.

It's a quick way to register your disgust with the Democrat's craven political posturing -- posturing that costs lives by sending the message to our enemies that our troops are fighting for nothing, that if the jihadis can keep the pressure on, their unwitting allies in Congress will do what they can to end the American presence in Iraq.

Whether you think going into Iraq was a good idea or not, we're there now, and the actions of Pelosi and Reid are not in the best interests of the United States, or the troops fighting on our behalf.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 4, 2007 05:19 PM | TrackBack


I am a Democrat. First however I am an American. You Republicans have a great deal of nerve to act as if Nancy Pelosi is just posturing. She actually is voicing the will of the vast majority of the American people. You will find this out again at the next election. It's a representative government in case you missed that in your government class.

Let's talk about posturing. The entire world along with much of this country believes that you Republicans are LIARS. You invaded a country and destablized a region on a web of lies. Beginning with yellow cake and ending with weapons of mass destruction, the entire premise of this war is now without a doubt, a LIE.

CIA-George is now on national television telling the world that he warned GW that Sadaam had no connection with Al Qaeda and that they manipulated his "slam dunk" statement into a basis for war. Is that all the evidence a nitwit like George Bush needs to invade another country?

Your own CIA director is now call Bush a liar and this war a mistake. You the hypocricy and lies have not got you fat cat Republicans stabbing each other in the back. There is no need for you to call Nancy and me the traitors. Your evidence and everything about the way this war was launched is so crazy that you fat cat Republicans are beginning to realize that history will not judge you kindly. A Congress and administration of corruption and lies is what I see.

I can hear it now: Tenet: "Sir it's a slam dunk!"

GW: "Well ok then, let's blow them to hell! Yee ha!"

You tell me Mr. Republican, if I believe that a war was launched based on a lie, that a war is hurting my country's image in the world, if I believe that soldiers of my country's armed forces are being needlessly killed by the people they are there to protect, if I believe that we are throwing billions of dollars down the drain when more important priorities exist, then, then are Nancy Pelosi and I traitors because we want the war to end and END NOW?????? As an American, to do anything other than to call for the war's end would make us cowards. The truly patriotic thing to do is work within our democratic process to bring the change that we would like to see. That is what is happening!

A friend told me about this website and said that it would make me angry. I'm not angry at all. I believe in free speach. I believe in the constitution. I believe in what Nancy is doing because she's a member of Congress and she's doing the will of her constituency.

You will Repubicans will soon find out that the entire country is upset, frustrated and angry about this war. We can do more to defend our country by getting our gas hog economy off of oil and into a green renewable source of energy.

Posted by: Artist of Reality at May 6, 2007 08:21 AM

I agree. The war should end. And all it takes is for the morons in Iraq to stop blowing innocent people to bits.

Posted by: LT at May 8, 2007 10:28 AM

Great site Mike, keep up the good work!


Posted by: Catherine Hintz at May 9, 2007 08:38 AM

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