
May 06, 2007

Mark Steyn's greatest hits: LIGHTS! LAUGHTER! LESBIANS!

Remember the hoopla ten years ago when a TV comedienne decided to use her show to reveal her heretofore hidden sexual preference?

Mark Steyn noted the occasion in his usually acerbic -- and hilarious -- fashion.

Three or four years ago in Britain, on a Sunday Times list of "funny people," I found myself directly under Ellen DeGeneres - which is not something many guys can claim.


Howard Stern, the "shock jock" whose radio show includes Lesbian Dial-A-Date, has long maintained that, just as in real estate it's "location, location, location", the formula for showbiz success is "lesbians, lesbians, lesbians". But not until now has a female star tested the theory.

First, it was announced that Ellen the sitcom character would be coming out; next, the actress who plays the sitcom character came out; then, the movie star girlfriend of the actress who plays the sitcom character came out; then, at "Come Out With Ellen" parties thrown by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Resource Center and other groups across the fruited plain fans of the movie star girlfriend of the actress who plays the sitcom character also came out.

The lesbian publicity blitzkrieg was in the end so successful that there was no one left to come out except the publicist. So she did. ABC publicist Jill Lessard came out on the set of "Ellen" after "getting swept up in the moment." She didn't issue a press release - but Ellen mentioned it to Chastity Bono, lesbian activist daughter of Sonny and Cher, who then passed it on to Newsweek.


For non-lesbians, it was hard to get a look in. In other news, John Major led Britain's Conservative Party to electoral defeat, no doubt because he lacked the courage to come out as a lesbian; in Zaire, President Mobutu's regime crumbled because of a lack of visible lesbian role models.

Needless to say, America's chief of state, with his usual opportunist cunning, managed to wangle himself a bit part in the only story that mattered. At the black-tie White House Correspondents dinner in Washington, Miss DeGeneres and the other half of Hollywood's first out celebrity lesbian couple, Anne Heche, were graciously received by President Clinton.

There were two types of photos taken to mark the occasion. In one, the president is trying, as usual without success, to look presidential; in the other, he's grinning like a travelling man who's decided to blow the last night of the convention on the two-girl double-action special.

Slick Willie must have felt like the Dutch Boy when he saw the barometer dropping and the skies turned dark and threatening.


Posted by Mike Lief at May 6, 2007 05:44 PM | TrackBack


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