
May 08, 2007

Rule Brittania!


The Brits are beginning to give the public a glimpse of their newest class of nuke sub, the Astute, featuring the latest in submarine technology -- albeit in the nuclear propulsion area. The Germans are leading the way in non-nuclear powerplants with their U-212A Class boats.

Carrying the American-designed nuclear-capable Tomahawk cruise missiles, the sub will be able to cruise the seas for more than 25 years without refueling, limited only by the need of the crew for food and an occasional glimpse of the sun.

That bit about refueling isn't really very newsworthy, even though folks outside the submarine community are still amazed by it; American subs have featured reactors good for the life of the sub for more than twenty years.

The big breakthroughs are in improved sonar capabilities, stealthier propulsion units, as well as increased automation, reducing the number of men needed to operate the boats -- the human factor being the key limitation in how long the subs can remain on patrol.

The first boat should be operational in 2009, with surrender and transfer to the Iranians likely during the inaugural deployment to the Middle East.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 8, 2007 10:06 AM | TrackBack


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