
May 14, 2007

What hath the Stupid Party wrought?

The GOP (commonly known in my house as The Stupid Party) seems to be doing everything in its members' power to ensure that people who might ordinarily consider themselves conservatives -- and thus prospective members -- run as fast as they can from identificiation with the Party.

The folks at Galley Slaves wonder if the performance of the President is adding to the effect.

The Wages of Bushism?

Charles Barkley--who might as well be Cincinnatus in my book--now says he isn't a Republican (and never was). He says a lot of other things, too.

I wonder if we'll be seeing more of this in the next couple years: People who are basically conservative being repulsed from the Republican party in general by the incompetence of the Bush administration?

Given the abysmal performance of the Congressional Republicans, as well as the gasping, sputtering end to the Bush term, it seems like a reasonable prediction.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 14, 2007 12:23 PM | TrackBack


LBJ made me a Republican. Bush is making me an independent. Those Texans sure are influential.

Posted by: Richard Holmes at May 14, 2007 08:23 PM

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