
May 17, 2007

Stop the amnesty!

Hugh Hewitt says: Stop the GOP Senate Cave-in: Call 202-225-3121!

This deal -- which takes down about half of the fence that was mandated last fall -- is the result of the McCain-Kennedy absurdity that McCain and Lindsey Graham pushed through the Judiciary Committee and then the Senate and which froze out serious border security as part of a comprehensive bill.

Now the greatly reduced Senate GOP caucus is running for cover not realizing that the only cover they have is to stand and fight for enforcement first in the form a fully funded 700 miles of fence, the completion of which would trigger regularization of illegal aliens in an era of new stiff employer sanctions and counterfeit-proof identification card.

If there aren't 41 Republican senators willing to fight for the common sense solution, the Senate GOP will be staggered again, just as it was by John Warner's and Susan Collins' attempt to agree to slow surrender in Iraq some months ago.

Apparently the bulk of the Senate Republicans simply do not understand that an opposition party is supposed to oppose bad laws, not attempt to merely dilute them.

Michelle Malkin has many links, but despite the obvious anger in the ranks of the party's base, this bill will move quickly unless stopped immediately. Call 202-225-3121 and ask for the offices of Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott or Jon Kyl, the three leaders of the GOP in the upper chamber.

Surrendering half the fence is the first step in surrendering half the seats they are trying to defend in '08, and Gordon Smith, Norm Coleman, John Sununu and others ought to be demanding the caucus stop this national security and political insanity.

The Senate GOP can and should filibuster any bill that dismantles half the fence before it was built, and any bill that is vague on the details of amnesty-lite.

The Senate GOP may believe that the anti-illegal immigration absolutists are far noisier than their numbers justify, and they would be right. But the common-sense conservatives hate being told that the best the Senate GOP can do is lose gracefully. They will be the folks outraged by the sell-out of the security fence.

What the heck is wrong with these people? Does the Stupid Party even care what its members think? Get on the phones, people; call the Stupid leadership and let them know you're against, opposed, putting away your checkbook, thinking about voting for anyone-but-the-incumbent in the primary.

More details, commentary and analysis at Hugh's place.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 17, 2007 08:15 AM | TrackBack


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