
May 17, 2007


Scott Johnson of PowerLine thinks John McCain's chest-thumping over his role in the amnesty bill has had at least one positive result.


Usually a presidential candidate waits at least to secure his party's nomination before he reaches beyond (sells out) his party's base.

It seems to me that for those of us who have kept an open mind on Senator McCain, hoping that he might pay us that minimal respect, the time has come to check out on his candidacy.

Claiming paternity of the prospective immigration amnesty along with Senator Kennedy and others today, Senator McCain has saved me the traditional buyer's remorse. Pending further developments, I've narrowed the field of acceptable Republican candidates.

I'm opting for Anybody But McCain.

I was there a long time ago. McCain-Feingold, the Gang of 14, his mollycoddling of brigands, jihadis and Teddy Kennedy -- all but made it impossible for me to vote for the man.

His proud sponsorship of the amnesty for illegal aliens is simply the final betrayal.

Scott's right: ABM.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 17, 2007 10:27 PM | TrackBack


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