
May 18, 2007

Steyn on the immigration surrender

Mark Steyn weighs in on the illegal alien amnesty during his weekly appearance on the Hugh Hewitt show.

I think in a two party system, there ought to be one party that is committed to enforcing the borders, and having legal immigration. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable thing to ask for in an advanced democratic state.

The fact of the matter is, this is like all Senate bills, or certainly like an awful lot of Senate bills, and in particular, Senator bills that showboating types like John McCain get their names on, in that it’s a fraud. You simply cannot toss this number of people into an already sclerotic, slow and incompetent legal immigration, and expect it to work.

What will happen is the people who follow the law, and I feel strongly about this, because I made the mistake of following the law when I emigrated to the United States, and believe me, I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Those who follow the law will find that the people dealing with their applications are suddenly cut to the minimum, and the political pressure from the likes of the showboaters like McCain will be to process vast numbers of law breakers, who will move ahead in the process, while people sitting and waiting to hear from U.S. consulates around the world, people who have done it legally, will be shunted to the back. It’s disgraceful, and it speaks very poorly for this nation.


I think it’s very difficult to turn it around, in part because of the dishonesty in the way the issue is framed.

I hate it whenever people … you hear about these like protest marches of immigrants, and what of course that means is not immigrants. It means illegal immigrants. And speaking as a legal immigrant, I kind of get insulted when I’m lumped in the same category with people who are here breaking the law, and who project to the American people the idea that an immigrant is someone who breaks the law, and then complains because he’s not getting backdated social security benefits, and his method of complaining is to stand in the street and waive Mexican flags.

If that is what an immigrant is in the United States of 2007, then the United States has serious, profound structural problems. But the fact of the matter is that these supine Senators don’t really want to go near this issue, because they think it gets mixed up with racism, and not liking Hispanics, and all kinds of things that supine, craven politicians don’t want to get mixed up with.

Call your Senators and Congresscritters, let then know that you'll never donate a dime, never vote for an incumbent who refuses to defend our borders, refuses to enforce our laws, refuses to punish law-breakers, who places a higher premium on the wants, needs and approval of foreigners over the desires and demands of Americans.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 18, 2007 10:07 PM | TrackBack


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