
May 18, 2007

McCain translated

Hugh Hewitt performed a tremendous public service, posting Sen. John McCain's statement celebrating the capitulation of the Senate Stupid Party on amnesty for illegal aliens -- and then translating it into English for those of us who live outside the Washington, D.C., bubble.

First, McCain's words.

This is the first step. We can and must complete this legislation sooner rather than later. We all know that this issue can be caught up in extracurricular politics unless we move forward as quickly as opssible. This is a product of a long hard trail of negotiation, and I am sure that there are certain provisions that each of us would not agree with, but this is what the legislative process is all about, this is what bipartisanship is all about when there is a requirement for this nation and its security that transcends party lines. I am proud to have been a small part of it.

Now we have the unvarnished McCain, thanks to Hewitt's ability to strip away the B.S., leaving us with what the Senator is really saying.

Deal's done. I am the guy. I made it happen. My opinion mattered, not yours. What I do in the middle of a campaign for president has nothing to do with politics. My critics are all motivated by politics. Since I have already made up my mind, no debate is necessary, so shut up. Republicans especially shut up. This is how things get done in D.C.: You roll over for Democrats. And by the way, cutting half the fence and leaving the other half subject to the whims of the anti-border security bureaucracy equals protecting national security, just like the Gang of 14 was good for the confirmation process and McCain-Feingold good for the First Amendment. So, if you didn't hear me the first time: Shut up. Sit down. I'm your nominee.

What a maroon. Thank goodness we're watching the end of his political ambitions. For McCain, the road to the White House ends at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 18, 2007 10:52 PM | TrackBack


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