
May 20, 2007

Her most benificent majesty Sandra Day O'Connor

Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is exercising her First Amendment rights on Fox News Sunday to say that it's okay for the rest of us to use our Free Speech rights to criticize judges, just so long as we don't go "too far" in being critical of judges.

So she's setting up a website to continue lecturing us, hectoring us, teaching us that we need to defer to wise judges, submit to the judicial ruling class.

According to this unbelievably condescending loon, we can talk about judicial overreaching in some general sense, but if we -- or our elected representatives in the legislative branch -- attempt to do anything about specific judges who overstep their authority, well, that's an impermissible breach of the Constitutional scheme in her august, majestic opinion.

Now she's talking about Iraq, telling us that we need a "consensus" to move forward; that it's disturbing that there's so much disagreement.

Lady, it's a rough and tumble world out there, once you take off the robe, descend from your legal Mount Olympus and start living amongst the rest of us mere mortals.

Sorry you find the contentious reality of America, circa 2007, is giving you the vapors. Heck, not only do we disagree about Iraq, but just about every other issue, too. And I think Pres. Reagan, whom you've just lauded -- and who put you on the high court -- would vehemently disagree with your elitist view of judges as some sort of protected class, isolated from the effects of their often wrong-headed rulings.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 20, 2007 08:19 AM | TrackBack


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