
May 20, 2007

FNS Roundtable, with Juan Williams: race pimp

Fox News contributor and columnist Juan Williams just said that conservatives who oppose the Amnesty Bill are "xenophobes."

Because, you see, only a RACIST can oppose illegal immigration.

Sorry, Juan, but just 'cause you play the race card doesn't mean it's true.

Opposition to this bill, with its costs -- financial and societal -- and its reduction (read: elimination) of border fencing is entirely logical, clear-eyed, and racism free.

I loathe all illegal aliens equally, regardless of their national origin. Hell, my grandparents were immigrants -- legal immigrants, who had to receive permission to board the boat back in Eastern Europe, who had to process through Ellis Island, before getting a chance at the American dream.

I married the daughter of immigrants; her parents came from Tunisia and Germany.

So, to say that my opposition is based upon a racist hatred of immigrants?

Screw you, Juan, and any other race pimp who thinks they'll silence the opposition by deploying the left's WMD, the prejudice bomb.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 20, 2007 08:35 AM | TrackBack


Yeah ... it is time to explode this particular petard.

I am the descendent of immigrants. I don't much care from whence people come but we need to know who is here, what they are doing, and that once here they either agree to a short stay or to become Americans, which includes using the majority's language-English.

Posted by: The Real Sporer at May 20, 2007 03:07 PM

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