
May 27, 2007

FNS: Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee is facing Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.

Wallace asks Huckabee about his support for in-state tuition for the children of illegal aliens, as well as a host of other benefits he backed when he was governor of Arkansas.

The GOP candidate’s response?

“You don’t punish a child for the crimes of the parent.”

Really? When I send a father to prison because he committed a crime, his children lose a parent; their income goes down; their standard of living declines. Those innocent children are not allowed to keep the stolen loot their father had, even though the property -- cash, guns, drugs -- could be sold and the cash used to enrich their lives.

How is that materially different from saying that the children of illegal aliens -– whose parents broke the law by crossing our border, jumping to the head of the line, cheating those foreign nationals who have patiently, lawfully waited their turn -– shouldn’t be deprived the benefits of their parents’ ill-gotten gains.

Scratch this fellow from the list of Stupid Party candidates I'd consider.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 27, 2007 08:10 AM | TrackBack


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