
May 27, 2007

FNS: Republican senators want more illegals

Sen. Arlen Spector (RINO, Penn.), tells us that the (Illegal Alien Amnesty) bill he’s sponsoring isn’t an amnesty, before adding with the utmost condescension and contempt,

“Look here. We’ve got 12 million people here, and we’ve got to deal with them one way or another.”

Okay, I choose “another.” No amnesty. Benign neglect. Employer sanctions. They’ll self-deport.

Chris Wallace asks the senator why not say no reforms until the borders are demonstrated secure?

Spector: Blah blah blah. He doesn’t answer the question, but blathers on about process, mentioning all the senators who worked on the bill. Unbelieveable. He’s filibustering.

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (Rep. RINO, Texas) says the bill is better than the status quo. I don’t get it. The bill only encourages more illegals to cross the border, without doing anything to stem the inflow.

Spector want “more elements of family unification.” That means he want illegals to be able to bring MORE OF THEIR FAMILY across the border, too.

Because it’s not enough that we have Dad; we need his wife and kids and parents and cousins and siblings.

Specter is KILLING me. They’ve got two alleged Republicans debating how many more illegals we need to bring in –- in addition to the 12 million they say are already here.

Not a word about sending ANYONE back.


Posted by Mike Lief at May 27, 2007 08:22 AM | TrackBack


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