
June 05, 2007

When sucking up backfires

Mickey Kaus takes a look at the latest poll numbers, and finds that McCains' courageous idiotic co-sponsorship of the Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill has not only [ahem] alienated the GOP base, but also angered Hispanic members of the party.

Endangered Pander? McCain supports legalization of illegal immigrants, loses 5 points over the month among Hispanic Republicans in California, according to SurveyUSA.

Fred Thompson blasts the legalization bill from the right and his support among Hispanics quintuples, putting him ahead of McCain (and Giuliani) among Hispanics. ...

P.S.: These are Hispanic Republicans, of course. But they are not insignificant, making up 17% of "likely Republican Primary voters" in Survey USA's model. ... P.P.S.: McCain's loss (and Thompson's gain) was actually greater among Hispanics than among GOP voters generally. ... P.P.P.S.: You don't even want to see what happened among black Republicans. ..

It's a measure of how distanced the Washington pols are from their constituents that they actually believe that supporting this mess of an amnesty is popular back home.

The more Americans learn about the bill, the more they oppose it -- and stupes like McCain (and Pres. Bush) react by telling us that we're too ignorant-racist-selfish to appreciate the brilliance and merit of their plan.

I've been wondering how long it'll take for the Black Congressional Caucus to break with the Dems over this issue; 12 million illegal, low-wage workers gaining citizenship will go a long way toward diluting the political power of the Caucus, not to mention the downward pressure on wages caused by the influx, which disproportionately affect those blacks at the bottom of the economic ladder.

Posted by Mike Lief at June 5, 2007 03:43 PM | TrackBack


McCain is an arrogant bastard. How damn stupid does he think the American people are? He has sold out to corporate interests that would sell this country down the drain for short term corporate gain.

McCain will get the message loud and clear when he is blown out of the Republican primary race by the patriots of the Republican party.

Posted by: Brad at June 5, 2007 07:03 PM

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