
June 07, 2007

Stupes mourn failure of Amnesty Bill

The supporters of the just-killed (Illegal) Immigration (Amnesty) Bill are on the floor of the Senate boo-hoo-ing to beat the band, and it's just nauseating.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois, Majority Whip), is going on in honeyed tones about the importance of immigrants. He's talking about the idiotically dunderheaded named "Dream Act," a piece of legislation that he sponsored that would allow the children of illegal aliens the right to stay in the U.S.

Of course he falls back on the WMD of political argument: Think of the children!

He just promised that "The Dream Act will become the law of the land, I promise."

Sen. Durbin, I say this with all due respect: Screw you and screw your attempt to Mau-Mau us with the children of law-breaking foreign nationals.

Now he's thanking all the turncoat-Republicans who helped; Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Arlen Spector -- a regular rogues gallery of weak-willed, MSM-loving, attention whores willing to do anything for the approval of the New York Times and bloated shambolic mess the Senior Senator from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy.

Lost in all this blame-the-GOP caterwauling is the fact that 10 Democrats refused to vote for cloture; the Republicans couldn't have stopped this mess without those Dems who crossed the aisle.

My gawd, the hand-wringing, the self-righteous breast-beating, it's too, too much to bear.

Now Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) steps up to the microphone. Sessions was the victim earlier today of a powerplay by Senate Majority Leader Dingy Harry Reid (D-Nevada), who tried to pressure him into signing onto a unanimous consent motion to short-circuit the amendment process on the floor.

When Sessions politely declined to do so, Reid enlisted the Republican Senior Senator from Pennsylvania, the reptilian Arlen Spector, who proceeded to arm-twist the courtly Alabaman, posing a series of questions, in the most unctuous tones wondering what it would take to convince his recalcitrant Southern colleague to cease his unreasonable delaying tactics.

Again, Sessions refused to be cowed, and Spector and Reid retreated.

And, as it turned out, Reid couldn't muster the 60 votes needed to cut off debate.

Why do I suspect this isn't the last we've heard of the amnesty?

Posted by Mike Lief at June 7, 2007 07:01 PM | TrackBack


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