
June 10, 2007

FNS: Dick Durbin

On Fox News Sunday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois), blaming the collapse of the Illegal Immigration Amnesty Bill on the Republicans.

In his usual, mealy-mouthed, soft-spoken way, Durbin lets us know that it was those ghastly conservatives who stood in the way of solving this most vexing and important problem.

And what, exactly, was at the root of the GOP's unreasonable, obstructionist actions?

They refused to limit the number of amendments to be voted on to eight or nine.

Because anything more than that isn't debate; isn't a legitimate operation of the legislative process; isn't a means of seeking up-or-down votes on substantive changes to a piece of legislation that was cooked up behind closed doors without the input of the Senate's full membership.

No, further debate was useless, you see, because Ted Kennedy and Arlen Spector said so.

Chris Wallace points out that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada), the Majority Leader, allowed three votes on the Dorgan amendment, considered by many to be a poison pill -- and one created by a Democrat.

"So's your mother!" responds Durbin, quickly moving past this inconvenient fact.

What a gasbag.

Posted by Mike Lief at June 10, 2007 08:21 AM | TrackBack


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