
June 17, 2007

FNS Panel: Israel, Gaza, murderous bastards Hamas

Discussing the coup in Gaza, wherein masked, AK-47-bearing Hamas gunmen routed the forces and government of Fatah leader Abbas -- and executed numbers of the Fatah members -- Juan Williams discovers who is to blame.

Juan Williams: What really concerns me is that the U.S. was in the business of supporting and promoting Abbas, and even with our support, we couldn't stop this from happening.

He continues that U.S. prestige takes a hit in the Middle East, emboldening our enemies, because the leader we were backing -- the not-quite-as-bad Abbas -- was chased out of Gaza by the Islamic fundamentalist, Iranian-backed terror group, Hamas.

But just when you think Williams is done, having laid the blame for the debacle at the feet of the U.S., he has second thoughts.

The conversation turns to the implosion of Gaza, the savage Arab-on-Arab violence, and what it means.

JW: (paraphrasing) It's the Israelis' fault. The Palestinians were occupied. They were oppressed. You can't blame them for acting this way.

Brit Hume: Juan, the Israelis left Gaza two years ago. Have things gotten better for the Palestinians since they gained control of Gaza?

JW: Israelis! Oppression! Injustice! Stop changing the subject!

BH: (irritated) Juan, have things gotten better?

No answer is forthcoming to Hume's question. Hume then comments that the Gazans are doomed to a miserable, hardscrabble existence as their "society" falls to pieces, noting that it's not in the self-interest of the Israelis to cushion the blow, nor is it in our self-interest for the U.S. to send aid to Gaza.

JW: (paraphrasing) How can you refuse to help the Palestinians, who are acting in a self-destructive manner because of the years of oppression under the rule of the Israelis?

Because, you see, they're like abused children, who simply cannot be held responsible for their actions, and must not be forced to live with the consequences of their self-destructive choices.

Honestly, Williams contributes nothing to the discussion, other than to serve as an exemplar of the stupidity of the American libtard journalist.

Posted by Mike Lief at June 17, 2007 08:47 AM | TrackBack


Mr. Williams is an anti-semite. He draws the moral equivalent between the surgical targeting of known terrorists and the intentional targeting of civilians by Hamas and other self-declared terrorist groups.

I hope that Mr. Williams never knows what is like to live with the absolute certainty that masked gunmen deem your children to be "pigs" or "monkeys" and worthy of death.

Am I as a Jew supposed to wait for the new incarnation of the Third Reich to come and kill me, my wife and my children? If my children are murdered, will Mr. Williams shrug his shoulders and blame them for their own deaths?

I hear anti-semites like Mr. Williams and instead of anger, I feel deep sadness.

Posted by: Ilan at June 17, 2007 11:17 PM

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