
June 25, 2007

Michael Moore: What a Sicko

Michael Moore -- Hollywood's 21st Century, fatter, sweatier, less talented Leni Riefensthal -- has a new piece of leftist propaganda hitting the multiplex, sure to generate mega-millions for the self-proclaimed friend of the working man.

In Sicko, Moore cherry picks heart-rending tales of Americans who have suffered as a result of the (allegedly) terribly cruel and unfeeling market-driven U.S. healthcare system -- avoiding the inconvenient truth of Canadians and Britons coming to the U.S. for the care they cannot get at home.

Anyhow, what is the cure for what's ailing America?

According to Moore, socialized -- er, nationalized, single-payer medicine is the key, as practiced in Canada, the United Kingdom, and, most laughably, in Cuba.

Conservative columnist Star Parker asked a friend what he thought.

I shot an e-mail to a friend, an American, now a long time resident of Great Britain, and asked about their National Health Service. Here's the response:

"If you end up with an exotic disease that requires a lot of care, you're screwed. For example, the waiting list for any kind of major surgery is long and for things like knee replacements you can wait for three years. Alzheimer's drugs aren't available on the National Health Service because they're too expensive. More and more people are paying for private health insurance cover, and more and more companies are making it part of the perks package. So, Britain will end up with a two-tier system before too long where the "rich" get good private cover and the poor or uninsured have no alternative to the NHS."

Moore and his rich left wing Hollywood buddies won't have to worry about the inevitable shortages and distortions of socialized medicine. They'll simply be living in their own private care universe.

Cuba? Call any Cuban expatriate here, and I've talked to a few, and they'll tell you that the shoddy local care is never what a foreign visitor would see. What we do know is that Cuba has the highest abortion rates, highest suicide rates, and lowest fertility rates in our hemisphere. And we also know that any Cuban that tries to exercise free speech, like Michael Moore luxuriates in here, would soon become a non-person.

As with so much else that seems to drive the Left, it's all about making us live the way they think we should, what we should eat, drive, wear, smoke, how much we should earn and how much we be allowed to keep.

All the while, they live as they wish, in a world where some animals are more equal than others, and members of the Politburo and their apparatchiks are free to retire to their luxurious dachas.

And this piece of agitprop will convince some dismayingly large portion of the American viewing public that Moore's right.

Too bad for them. And us, if Moore and his fellow travelers win this argument.

Posted by Mike Lief at June 25, 2007 08:50 PM | TrackBack


Amen. Say it again. Say it louder.

Posted by: on the right side at July 27, 2008 08:42 AM

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