
June 27, 2007

Amnesty update

From bad to worse. Ed Morrisey is monitoring the goings on in the nut house otherwise known as the Senate.

I'm watching C-SPAN 2 at the moment, a fascinating exercise in official boredom. Today, however, the lunacy outweighs the ennui. As Michelle Malkin notes, the clay pigeon had to fly back to its coop this afternoon after a rushed reading by Senate staffers found a plethora of mistakes and at least one serious omission.

That leaves the Senate debating a bill that no one has read, and that no one has put in its final form, which means that everyone on the floor has blathered about nothing at all. It's almost as ironic as Seinfeld -- and we're paying for it.

The extended update is simply mind-boggling. Representative democracy? Doesn't seem like it. Who exactly are the backers of this amnesty representing?

Posted by Mike Lief at June 27, 2007 11:16 AM | TrackBack


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