
July 03, 2007

That's gotta sting

While Hillary Clinton seems like the candidate most likely to win the Democratic nomination, given her experience, Machiavellian political skills and vast gobs of cash, and yet she has -- ahem -- a rather hard time making the sale to voters who haven't drunk the Clinton Kool-Aid.

Just ask Jim Geraghty.

"Best Part of a Hillary Clinton Presidency? You Mean Besides January 20, 2013?"

Gallup didn't phrase it this way, but I will.

When asked the open-ended question, "suppose Hillary Clinton is elected president in 2008. In your view, what would be the best or most positive thing about a Hillary Clinton presidency?"

The single most popular answer was, "nothing," with 28 percent.


When asked, "what would be the worst or most negative thing about a Hillary Clinton presidency?", only 12 percent said "nothing."

The answers "Too liberal/socialist" and "Bill Clinton would be back in the White House" tied at 10 percent each, with "Not qualified/would not succeed" at 9 percent.

The next four reasons were all bunched together -- "just don’t like her" and "Clinton scandals/baggage" at 7 percent each, and "Country not ready for a woman president" and "Clinton's views on Iraq" at 6 percent each.

She seems to be both the most qualified of the Dems, as well as the most universally loathed -- an interesting combination.

Should make for a fascinating campaign.

Posted by Mike Lief at July 3, 2007 10:46 AM | TrackBack


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