
July 29, 2007

PETA* alert!

This post is about animal rights -- the right of tasty animals to end up on your barbecue ... and in your stomach!

There's a new cut of meat in town, and it sounds dee-licious.

[T]his is an non-traditional cut. But, in 2002, the National Cattleman's Assc. used the Checkoff Program, (a very cool program itself) to commission a muscle profiling study. In this study between NCBA’s Center for Research and Technical Services in partnership with the University of Florida and the University of Nebraska where every major muscle of the animal was analyzed separately for flavor and tenderness.

The reason behind commissioning this study was to find better, more efficient cuts from the Chuck and the Round for both retail and food service uses.

The results were pretty surprising. One of the most surprising things the study found was that the Flat Iron is in fact, the second most tender cut of meat from the steer, after the tenderloin.


The Flat Iron is, in this butcher's mind, one of the most versatile pieces of beef. It takes to a marinade like no other, it's tender beyond belief, and you can cook it with much success in many methods. Plus, it's cheap. Since it is from the shoulder, it can be found for as little as $3/lb here in the Midwest, and probably not much more than that elsewhere.

You can grill it, use if for stirfry meat, use it for fajitas, braise it, fanfry it. Really, it is a great little cut that hopefully you will want to go out and try.

More details here.

*PETA is the organization founded by carnivores, dedicated to People Eating Tasty Animals.

Posted by Mike Lief at July 29, 2007 04:41 PM | TrackBack


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