
September 20, 2007

Why are they even here?

Did you hear that Nanny Bloomberg was prepared to roll out the red carpet for the Iranian madman during his visit to the U.N.? That is, until the firestorm of criticism led Gotham's sycophantic mayor and lickspittle police chief to decide that a guided tour of Ground Zero for a terrorist, a man who denies the Holocaust, threatens Israel with destruction, and the leader of a nation actively sending troops and arms to kill U.S. troops in the field might not be a good idea.

Seth Leibsohn pines for the '80s, when pols knew what to do.

How far we've come. Rudy Giuliani, when he was mayor, had Yasser Arafat escorted out of Lincoln Center, and was right to do so—he didn't consider ways to make Arafat's visit comfortable.

There is a debate of sorts as to whether the U.N. can legally deny a visa to a head of state such as Ahmadinejad. We denied Arafat a visa in 1988 under the fiction that he was not a head of state. But what about our states? Anyone remember 1983 and how two Governors, Tom Kean and Mario Cuomo, of New Jersey and New York handled their duties? They denied Soviet landing rights in their states as a result of the USSR shooting down KAL 007.

As the U.N. screamed over this lese majeste, threatening to deny the U.S. as home to the U.N., the late Ambassador Charles Lichenstein took it just fine, saying: "We will put no impediment in your way. The members of the U.S. mission to the United Nations will be down at the dockside waving you a fond farewell as you sail off into the sunset."

How I miss the days when city, state, and national leaders took terrorism as seriously as they used to.

Me too. How I wish we'd show the U.N., and it's assortment of sinecures, petty tyrants and courtiers to thugs, the door. We get nothing for hosting the U.N., other than an expensive bill, unpaid parking tickets, and the company of war criminals, terrorists and jealous third-world savages.

There's no upside, so let's send them packing, shall we?

Posted by Mike Lief at September 20, 2007 12:53 AM | TrackBack


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