
December 12, 2007

Tales from the ER

Spent some time in the hospital recently (don't worry; I'm not going anywhere anytime soon), including about 10 hours in the ER, laying on a gurney, hooked up to a variety of machines, including the one that goes PING!

There were curtains on tracks hanging from the ceiling to give me and the other patients a little privacy, although not from anyone within earshot; I listened to all the commotion going on around me.

The guy to my left sounded like he was hacking up a lung (or two); the wet, rattling, phlegmy coughs made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Eventually he quieted down; whether they took him to a private room or the morgue I cannot say, but I think he was more likely fit for the latter than the former.

To my right was an interesting fellow, a parolee and thirty-year drug abuser. He'd gotten out of prison recently and was eager to recount how difficult it had been to get his many different drugs -- the legal ones -- while he was incarcerated. I listened to the conversation he had with his MD.

"Sir, do you use any recreational drugs?"

"Uh, yeah. Cocaine, heroin, and meth."

"When was the last time you used?"

"Uh, I been clean a week now."

"Sir, it's very important that you don't use cocaine; mixing atenolol -- your blood pressure medication -- with cocaine could cause cardiac arrest. It could kill you. Do you understand?"

"Uh, yeah, don't mix atenolol and cocaine."

"You take atenolol twice daily; if you use cocaine with it the results could be lethal."

"Yeah, okay, I understand, no cocaine."

Satisfied that she'd gotten through to her patient, the doctor left.

A moment later I heard the guy ask the nurse a question.

"Hey, can I stop taking atenolol, just for the weekend?"

Sounds like he had big plans for Saturday night. Wouldn't want to let hypertension, a weak heart and the drug needed to keep the Grim Reaper at bay come between you and some whack crack cocaine, would ya?


A little while later all the medical professionals had left the area, and I was laying quietly, wondering when I'd be able to go home.

From the other side of the curtain I heard the parolee clear his throat.

"Hey, neighbor!" he said.

I looked around, wondering if there was any chance he was talking to someone else.

Nope, just me.

Hmmm. Given my line of work, I don't often engage in small talk with fellows fresh out of prison; rather, I usually take their guilty pleas and ask them if they understand the rights they're giving up before they get sent to the slam.

"Hey, neighbor!" he said again, a little louder.


"Yeah," I replied.

"How you doin'?" he asked.

"Not great," I replied.

"Me neither," he said.

He lowered his voice.

"What are you in for?"

" 'What am I in for?' I've seen this episode of Prison Break," I thought to myself.

Dusty the nurse arrived just then, to announce that my chatty friend now had a bed upstairs, cutting short our newly-found friendship.

But with the good came the bad. Unfortunately, my doctor was back.

And he was pulling on a rubber glove.

Aw, crap.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 12, 2007 10:00 PM | TrackBack



Posted by: Thin Ice, Sr. at December 13, 2007 05:51 AM

I guess you got paroled, eh homie? It's cool.......

Posted by: Neighbor at December 13, 2007 11:42 AM

Hey! That was me, last New Years eve! Along with the passing of the old year, so did a kidney stone. The old "two-finger exam". Gotta love it!

Hope you feel better.

Posted by: sonarman at December 13, 2007 06:26 PM

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