
January 03, 2008

Hillary Clinton speaks

And I'm transfixed by how miserable Bill looks, relegated to standing behind his wife, saying nothing, clapping his meaty paws together when appropriate.

Poor guy.

I know how he feels; just watching from the couch makes me want to jab knitting needles in my ears to provide some relief from her grating, graceless voice.

She's going on about how she's prepared "from Day-One!" to lead this country, part of her 35-year-journey to become the first female president, during which she prepared herself by being the wife of a governor, the wife of a president, and carpetbagging senator of little distinction or accomplishment.

It's early; Iowa doesn't often pick the candidates who end up in the White House, so her third-place finish isn't fatal.

But it is sweet seeing her lose to the feckless amateur and the shyster lawyer.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 3, 2008 07:31 PM | TrackBack


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