
January 08, 2008

McCain wins one. Yipee.

I was chatting with a colleague today about the New Hampshire primary; he's a law and order type, but less conservative than me. We differed over McCain's ability to win the GOP nomination; I maintain that his positions on a host of issues are anathema to the Republican base, making him an unlikely standard bearer for voters who consider themselves stalwart conservatives. My colleague thinks McCain will appeal to moderate Republicans who are tired of "partisan bickering."

In a day that gave me little to smile about -- How did Hillary pull it off? -- cartoonist Michael Ramirez is always good for a chuckle (and a wince). He really does capture the prickly, pugnacious, thin-skinned, F*$% You! essence that is John McCain.

I return yet again to the best description I've seen of the man, courtesy of Hugh Hewitt:

John McCain is "a great American, a lousy Senator, and a terrible Republican."

Hopefully he'll flame out, as Republicans remember all he's done -- ACK! -- for conservatives over the last decade.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 8, 2008 11:32 PM | TrackBack


I can't believe that the Republican party could actually nominate Mike Huckabee to be the 2008 standard bearer.

I vividly recall voting for Bush1 over Michael Dukakis largely because ACLU member Dukakis was soft on crime.

Huckabee makes Dukakis look like Dirty Harry. He pardoned or granted clemency to more criminals than the previous 3 Arkansas Governors combined.

One of those Governors was some guy named Clinton. He granted far more than all the Governors of the far more populous border states combined (Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisianna).

These stats don't even count the Wayne Dumond case. Dumond was a convicted rapist who was also a suspect in a murder.

Despite pleas from the 18 year-old victim and the prosecutor and letters received by Huckabee's office from two other Dumond victims warning him that Dumond won't leave a witness next time, Huckabee arrogantly ignored the pleas and pressured the Parole Board to release the inmate.

Upon his release Dumond went to Missouri, where he lost Jesus but found two more women to rape. As predicted by the previous victims, Dumond didn't leave a witness. He strangled both victims to death.

He was convicted based upon a DNA match and has died in Prison.

The stats don't include Glen Green, who confessed to raping and beating a victim with nunchucks, then driving over her 7 times before dumping her body in a swamp.

Dumond confessed the entire thing to Police but about 20 years later a fellow minister told Huckabee that Green has found redemption and that the killing was accidental.

Huckabee, without reading the Police report of the confession or notifying the victims family put Green on the clemency list to be released.

Huckabee has released 12 other murderers.

This is why I am on the anybody-but-Huckabee bandwagon. And yes, that anybody includes Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Posted by: Squidman at January 9, 2008 04:53 PM

Republicans should seriously look at Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a true and classic conservative. Join the Ron Paul revolution!

Posted by: Big M at January 9, 2008 09:48 PM

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