
January 16, 2008

Our Saudi friends

Proving that there's no end to the lost causes Pres. Bush so dearly loves -- nor any baseline below which he won't limbo dance in an effort to curry favor with our so-called Saudi allies -- the man who famously said he had looked into the eyes of Russian leader Vladimir Putin and judged his soul to be pure has figured out a way to end our energy problems, thanks to the selfless nature of our Saudi friends.

He'll get down on his knees and beg ask the Saudis to increase their oil production, just to help us out.

And then he'll buy a bridge I've got for sale on the Hudson River.

One GOP presidential candidate had a swift response.

[Fred] Thompson, a former Tennessee senator, said the problem was a "little bigger" than Saudi Arabia.

"It's not in the United States' long-term interest to go hat in hand begging people to do things that in the end we know they're not going to do," Thompson said.

"What we need to concentrate on is diversifying our own energy sources here in this country and opening up what oil reserves that we have here ... using nuclear more, using clean coal technology more and all the other things that we can do," Thompson said.

Let's see, work to increase domestic energy supplies or flatter a bunch of Machiavellian sheiks who fund terror groups and would like nothing more than to see the United States laid low.

I'm gobsmacked by the sheer stupidity of it all.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 16, 2008 11:44 PM | TrackBack


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