
January 19, 2008

Aw, for Pete's sake!

Romney and Leno.jpg

Michelle Malkin posts "Five words a GOP presidential candidate shouldn’t say" -- courtesy of Jay Leno and his mid-week guest, Mitt Romney.

“Frankly, I like Ted Kennedy.”

What the hell?

Who does Romney think he's impressing with his (uncalled for) kind words? Who will be moved to vote in a GOP primary for him because of his magnanimous, it's-nothing-personal, wink-and-a-nod toward the Democrat who best exemplifies a lifetime spent bashing conservatives, blaming America for all that's awful in the world?

Romney likes Ted Kennedy? The man who used his family connections to gain entry to Congress, then spent decades in the U.S. Senate, bullying, bloviating and smearing his way through the halls of power.

And, of course, taking time out to abuse his liver -- and various women, including Mary-Jo Kopechne, who could not be reached for comment.

I can't be the only old-school conservative repulsed by Romney's blow-dried, it's nothing personal, ain't politics a hoot!, glib style.

I'm telling ya', with every passing week, the reasons to sit this election out are becoming more obvious.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 19, 2008 11:02 AM | TrackBack


I think you have to take that statement in the context of common courtesy. Romney was governor of the state. It certainly didn't serve his purposes to spend his time feuding with the state's senior Senator. While you and I might take a stand on principle and decline to shake the hand of a man we find so distasteful, we don't have to try to govern the state afterwards, either.

Posted by: Dan at January 22, 2008 02:39 PM

Dan, it seems to me that there are a variety of ways to avoid getting into a pissing contest with the senior senator from Massachusetts, without giving him a sloppy, French kiss.

Romney could say something like, "While I disagree with much that Sen. Kennedy advocates, I respect the skill and tenaciousness with which he pursues those goals."

But this remark strikes me as the worst kind of inside-the-Beltway, backslapping, good-old-boys slime.


Posted by: Mike Lief at January 22, 2008 03:48 PM

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