
January 22, 2008

Fred calls it a day

Fred Thompson -- the only thing close to a conservative in the race for the GOP nomination -- has decided to end his campaign after failing to do well in the South Carolina primary this past weekend.

Am I disappointed?

You bet. As I've said before, if the choice comes down to a liberal, kinda' sorta' Republican versus a liberal, kinda' sorta' Socialist Democrat, I'll be hard pressed to care enough to go to the polls.

But I'm not as disappointed as Kim Du Toit, who reacted ... badly to the news.

Note to Fred Thompson:

Last in, first out. Thanks for nothing. Good-bye, go back to Hollywood, and f**k you.


I'm really at a loss right now; there's truly no one left in the GOP race that can pass the laugh-test for conservative bona fides.

McCain believes in Global Warming, wants to shut down Gitmo, won't waterboard terrorists, is against tax cuts, stifled free speech in elections via McCain-Feingold, and is the favorite Republican of the New York Times.


Oh, wait a minute, the wife reminds me of three more reasons to loathe McCain: Amnesty, amnesty, amnesty. Notwithstanding his last-minute conversion to the merits of border enforcement, McCain has been an adamant supporter of amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Giuliani is an anti-Second Amendment, big government pol; and Romney is a classic RINO squish, barely distinguishable from moderate Democrats on a whole host of issues.

I'm depressed.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 22, 2008 04:49 PM | TrackBack


It's been clear from the beginning that Fred Thompson has no fire in his belly. I'm glad he's out.

Clinton and Obama showed the fire in last night's Democratic debate that you need to gut your way into the White House.

Thompson plodded onto the floor of the national stage, spoke slowly, demonstrated little vision and folded after a few volleys. He's not tough enough for the White House or to lead the country.

Say what you want about Bush, but he campaigned like a fighter and has held to his core principles year after year under the type of pressure that would break most of us, including Thompson.

Rudy's strategy has been a loser. He's going to be out soon. If you're a pragmatist and a conservative, I think you have to throw your support to Romney.

McCain is another Governor Arnold. He'll make peace with the liberals and will coax many Republicans into supporting a number of left-wing positions.

Posted by: Bill H at January 22, 2008 07:51 PM

Bill, I completely agree with your point about Thompson lacking fire in his belly. He didn't want to go out and win the presidency. He wanted it handed to him. He doesn't have the drive or charisma to lead a nation that is at war.

I almost feel like the republicans have conceded this election already by marching out this ridiculous roster of candidates. Honest to God, is this the best that we can do?

I do have a theory and its a little scary. I think we have turned into a society that expects a handout. On top of that people are becoming more and more liberal in their social positions.

Old time conservatives do not appeal to a broad base anymore. They don't want to create more govt to hand more money out and they are by definition not liberal in their social positions.

This has caused more and more democrats and "moderate" republicans to be elected to lead individual states as governors. The classic conservative is not being groomed because they can't get elected.

The answer to where the hell the qualified conservatives are this election might be that there aren't any.

Posted by: RW at January 22, 2008 09:49 PM

Ryan, brilliant but depressing...

Watching the Clinton machine swing into full force has been quite impressive. They will likely chew up Obama on Super Tuesday and then prepare for the main course before swallowing the likes of Romney or McCain whole.

When the MoveOn.Org types finally take power, I'm quite certain that our WebMaster will end up in a re-education camp for a little social reprogramming.

Posted by: Bill H at January 22, 2008 10:18 PM

I have thought for YEARS that our webmaster was about to get rounded up for re-programming. Efforts have been made. But hang around with him after a big lunch and you realize the best efforts were wasted.

Posted by: The Little Coach at January 23, 2008 07:59 AM

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