
January 28, 2008

SOTU reaction

I'm listening to Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sibelius deliver the Democrat's response to the State of the Union address by Pres. Bush, and I'm absolutely revolted by her, by every goddam thing she's said, by her schoolmarmish, condescending tone; she makes my freaking skin crawl.

My overall impression -- I was too busy trying to grasp that this mess of a speech was the best the Dems had -- is that she thinks Americans are a bunch of lazy, uncaring, warmongering dolts -- except for those salt-of-the-earth, blue-collar types who are losing their homes and jobs as a result of evil corporations and their GOP masters.

Sibelius accused us of being a do-nothing nation, and that it was time to begin kissing foreign ass, so we can rebuild our national reputation abroad. Because, you see, nothing impresses foreigners quite so much as Americans willing to admit that we suck.

I've never seen nor heard Sibelius -- reportedly one of the rising stars of the Democratic Party -- before tonight, but this was more than enough. What a loathsome, holier-than-thou hack.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 28, 2008 07:24 PM | TrackBack


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