
February 10, 2008

Clinton's chutzpah

Hillary Clinton gave a speech yesterday after losing three primaries to Obama, and there was a line in it that made me laugh out loud at the unbelievable nerve of the woman.

She was working her way through a laundry list of socialist "progressive" talking points when she said this:

[paraphrasing] America deserves a president who understands that war is a last resort and not a first resort!

That line drew a rousing response from the audience -- all of whom I'm guessing have forgotten that Clinton voted "Yea" on the Iraq war when the Senate had a chance to tell Pres. Bush to "give peace a chance."

It takes brass balls to say that you're not a belligerent warmonger -- like those bloodthirsty Republicans -- when you've said that same war was necessary.

Now that's chutzpah; must be a family trait. Remember when her husband authorized the aerial bombings in the Balkans without getting approval from either the international community?

Or the U.S. Senate?

It's no wonder Obama's winning state after state: he's the ABC candidate.

Anybody but Clinton.

It seems that even Democrats aren't crazy about the idea of another bout of Clinton-style parsing, hair-splitting and prevarications.

Can't say I blame them.

Posted by Mike Lief at February 10, 2008 09:29 AM | TrackBack


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