
March 05, 2008

Hewitt and Hitch on Hillary

Hugh Hewitt spoke today with my favorite lefty Brit, Christopher Hitchens, about the resurrection of Hillary Clinton. Hewitt finishes the interview with this Q&A about November.

HH: 20 seconds, who’s going to be the next president of the United States?

CH: Hillary Clinton.

HH: Oh…because of yesterday?

CH: No, no, I’ve feared it for a long time, and there’s something horrible and undefeatable about people who have no life except the worship of power.

HH: The Mummy is back.

CH: …people who don’t want the meeting to end, the people who just are unstoppable, who only have one focus, no humanity, no character, nothing but the worship of money and power. They win in the end.

HH: Mordor. Christopher Hitchens, a pleasure. Thank you for joining us from Vanity Fair.

I disagree with Hitchens' analysis; the only way Clinton wins is to cheat, and robbing the nation's first black presidential candidate of a nomination he's won by a majority of about a million votes will destroy the Democratic Party.

The DNC may be stupid, but I don't think they're that brain damaged.

Hitchens and Hewitt have an interesting take on the current state of the race; read the whole thing.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 5, 2008 09:55 PM | TrackBack


There is always hope, though, that Hilary's single-minded quest for the nomination DOES damage the Democratic party enough to leave an opening for McCain. Hope springs eternal. Look what it did for Obama.

Posted by: The Little Coach at March 6, 2008 08:54 AM

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