
April 03, 2008

It's not the gummint's money

Kim Du Toit, who relocated to Texas from the gun-forsaken Chicago environs, offers this take on why Texans love, love, LOVE their governor.

If you google “Governor Rick Perry” you’ll find page after page of whining and carping about the man, mostly written, it should be said, by the peculiar species of Lefties, populists and libertarians who infest the Austin area and other parts of the Blue Archipelago in Texas.

Yet in election after election, Perry gets elected and re-elected by thumping margins. How could this be, you ask?

Here’s one reason (my emphasis added):

Gov. Rick Perry announced Monday that an estimated 370,000 Texas businesses will be getting a tax cut of $90 million, thanks to the state’s strong economy and low unemployment.

“I believe in truth-in-budgeting: when government levies a tax and collects more money than is needed, we must either stop collecting the tax, return the money or both,” said Gov. Perry. “Thanks to our healthy economy and low unemployment rate last year, the state collected more money for the unemployment trust fund than we need, which is why I’m directing the state to bring that tax to a screeching halt for this year.”

Man, does California suffer by comparison. Du Toit mentions that companies are fleeing high-tax states. He's right, too. Kinkos moved their corporate headquarters from my hometown to the more business-friendly Lonestar State a few years back.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 3, 2008 11:11 PM | TrackBack


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