
May 24, 2008

Hollywood moonbat alert

Ah, college graduation, a day when proud parents and their children celebrate their undergraduate education with the presentation of diplomas and, hopefully, a commencement address wherein some notable person will impart a few words of wisdom meant to salute the graduates and perhaps offer some insights into what the future may hold.

Except when said speech is delivered by a Hollywood moonbat, vomiting forth half-baked conspiracy theories and repellent politics in a center-stage, it's-all-about-me moment.

Like Jessica Lange, most famous for being pawed by a big monkey in King Kong, getting pawed by a smaller, hipper monkey in The Postman Always Rings Twice, and getting pawed by nebbishy Method-Actor monkey in Tootsie:

BRONXVILLE, N.Y. — Oscar-winner Jessica Lange bashed the Bush administration and denounced the war in Iraq during a commencement address at Sarah Lawrence College.

The star of "Tootsie" and "Blue Sky" was applauded by students Friday at the small liberal arts college after comparing the conflict with the Vietnam War. She said the graduates have "a heavy burden" to chart a new path for the country.

"We are living in an America that, in the last seven and a half years, has waged an unnecessary war, established prison camps, condoned torture, employed corporate armies, eliminated the right of habeas corpus, practiced extraordinary rendition, and believe me, this is only a partial list," Lange said.

Lange asked the graduates, including her 22-year-old daughter Hannah Shepard, to commit themselves to the "pursuit of peace."

Had I been there -- as graduate or parent -- I'd have been on my feet, shouting, "Shame!"

"... waged an unnecessary war, established prison camps, condoned torture, employed corporate armies, eliminated the right of habeas corpus, practiced extraordinary rendition ...."

Each and every allegation is blatantly political, factually inaccurate, and nothing more than libtard talking points. Just what everyone wants to hear on what ought to be amongst the proudest days in a person's life.

And what's with this "pursuit of peace" crap? Whatever happened to being willing to fight and die for something important, to sacrifice for freedom and justice?

Is there nothing worth fighting for, or is peace at any price the guiding principle for Lange and her pacifist cohorts?

That's the "King of Hollywood," Clark Gable (far right) after returning from a bombing mission with the crew of the "Eight Ball" in 1943. Gable was a far cry from today's brand of big screen "patriots," enlisting during World War II, walking away from the fame and fortune, insisting on living with the troops, facing the same dangers in the air.

To quote another Hollywood celebrity, albeit one of a slightly different ideological bent (he volunteered to fight our enemies instead of propagandizing on their behalf:

Quite frankly, Jessica, my dear, I don't give a damn!

Gawd, I loathe this woman and her comrades.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 24, 2008 03:19 PM | TrackBack


I have a question for all of these over-paid, blow hards...what have you done to contribute to society? How have you made the world better? Jessica Lange played a heroine in distress to an ape...God, its a good thing she is on this planet.

Second, if America is so awful, why are you here? Oh yeah that's right, it's because this country and the men and women who have provided it to you, allow you to make as much money and live as comfortable a lifestyle as you can. You are also allowed to criticize your sitting president even when you don't have a clue what you are talking about and you don't get run over by a tank or imprisoned for it.

I am not surprised that she got a round of applause. This is an elitist school that caters to the rich. These children of privilege do not understand what it means to sacrifice.

I am too young to even remember what this person looks like. I care about her opinion of foreign affairs about as much as I care about the guy who I saw talking to himself on Main Street in Ventura last night. They both have contributed the same amount to society.

Posted by: RW at May 24, 2008 07:22 PM

Sarah Lawrence College - what did you expect?

When I graduated from USC Law the commencement speaker was David Roberti, then speaker of the Cal Senate - my cousin said he could hear Dad still railing about the speech as they crossed the lawn to enter my graduation party 2 hours later.

Posted by: andrewdb at May 25, 2008 11:19 AM

I can't stand the Hollywood blowhards like Lang who have the audacity to tarnish a graduation with over the top political remarks.

That being said, I no longer recognize the Republican party. The neo-conservative mindset seems completely anti-Ronald R. to me. Republicans once criticized the use of force unless there was a compelling national interest. The evidence assembled to justify the use of force in Iraq was recklessly thin. What happened to the Republicans who criticized Clinton for wasting blood and treasure in Bosnia on a scale that was a drop in the bucket compared to Iraq? Republicans then squandered their opportunity to lead by violating the "contract with America" with reckless spending and failing to check corruption until indictments were issued against several party leaders.

Lang is a "moonbat" as you say. However, the common man on the street, the average American is understandably unimpressed with the pitch that we have troops fighting and dying in Iraq to achieve freedom for the Iraqi people. The Republican party is going to be swept out of the halls of Congress with a massive broom in November. Hopefully, the party can regroup under traditional common sense principles.

Posted by: Bill H at May 26, 2008 12:19 AM

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