
May 29, 2008

They never mentioned this in The Lion King!


"But -- but animals are our friends ... aren't they, Daddy?"

"Well, son, it's true that many animals like us humans. Preferably raw."

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Police say six caged lions left only fingers and intestines after eating a worker giving them water.

The lions attacked the 49-year-old man Tuesday after he went inside their cage to deliver water, police said Wednesday.

The man had been working at the Uitspan game farm in northwest South Africa for at least two years, police said. No one witnessed the attack.

Environmental affairs was called to the game farm, which cages lions and other animals for tourists' viewing, to discus the fate of the lions.

Seriously, when I was a kid we watched Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom every Sunday night, just before The Wonderful World of Disney, and the beasties that Marlon Perkins tracked over the African Veldt never struck me as cute and cuddly. As a matter of fact, but for the fast-acting assistant armed with a rifle and tranquilizer darts, it was apparent to me -- even as a young feller -- that these beasts were more interested in eating the host than cozying up to him.

People today have a pretty distorted view of nature and wild beasts; do you remember the shock and revulsion when that kid climbed into the polar bear enclosure at the Brooklyn Zoo -- and got his ass devoured back in '87?

When asked what might provoke such an attack, [New York City Parks Commisioner Henry] Stern said, ''The mere presence of people in their cage.'' He said polar bears are territorial and vicious by nature ....

Ya don't say?

While it was perhaps a graphic demonstration of Darwinian evolution in action, perhaps that young man might have avoided his fate had he watched a little less Moonbat Kumbiya Zoology and a little more Marlin Perkins.

It's a dog-eat-dog -- er, lion-eat-zookeeper world out there.

Be careful.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 29, 2008 07:14 AM | TrackBack


I happen to think Grizzly Bears are my friends. My name is Timothy Treadwell, and you should watch the movie they made about me, "Grizzly Man," in which you'll learn that I loved Grizzly Bears and lived with them every summer. Everything they found of me after my last trek into Grizzly country fit in a plastic bag. Oh, and did I mention that my girlfriend Amie got to see the inside of a Grizzly tummy also? It was really neat. So I don't know why you're saying animals are so mean.

Posted by: Timothy at May 30, 2008 03:48 PM

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