
August 07, 2008

McCain: Maybe alcohol will help

I was chatting with a friend yesterday, the two of us pondering the becalmed waters the SS Obama finds itself in, notwithstanding that the Democratic nominee ought to have a strong breeze at his back -- and that the polling in the months leading up to Obama clinching the nomination showed that a generic Democratic candidate would indeed trounce a generic Republican.

But then the Dems actually went and nominated the Rookie senator with the most left-wing voting record in the Senate (more liberal even than that of the lone self-proclaimed Socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders), and the reality began to sink in: The Dems had rejected Hillary Clinton in favor of the one candidate who just might blow a sure-thing election.

All this, despite John McCain's inability to inspire much (read: any) enthusiasm amongst conservatives, heretofore the base upon which the GOP depended on election day.

I told my friend that I wouldn't be voting for McCain; rather, I'd be voting against a candidate that strikes me as almost unimaginably unqualified to occupy the White House. Nothing summed up my feelings about the choice I was faced with better than this bumper sticker:


Rather than think of McCain as a RINO, it makes more sense to view him as an old school Democrat, in the mold of Harry Truman, perhaps, or Henry "Scoop" Jackson. That would well and truly make him the least repulsive Democrat in the race.

And if we factor in Obama's more-left-than-a-Socialist's voting record, the paradigm becomes, Conservative Democrat versus Moonbat race-card playing lawyer.


Makes the McCain vote much easier to take, eh?

Still, I think a good stiff drink before voting would help.

F^*K IT! McCain ‘08, indeed.

You can order the bumper stick here.

Posted by Mike Lief at August 7, 2008 12:26 AM | TrackBack


If I still had a car I'd slap one of these bumper stickers on it in a heartbeat!

Posted by: April Lief at August 7, 2008 07:52 PM

I still have my self-created Fred Thompson bumper sticker on my car but beside it I have a (again, self-created) sticker that says, "OK McCain Then."

That's pretty much how I feel.

Posted by: BlogDog at August 8, 2008 07:08 AM

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