
August 19, 2008

Obama, McCain and the pastor

Didn't watch it? Me either. But the full, uncorrected transcripts are here.

I've been making my way through them, as well as reading the commentary online, and I'm pleasantly surprised.

The format -- non-confrontational, each man appearing alone while his opponent waited off stage in the "cone of silence," unable to hear the questions and answers before his turn -- was actually better than the usual debates. Oh, sure, Rick Warren didn't ask tough follow up questions, but he did a decent enough job, and the voter got a chance to compare and contrast the responses on a number of questions that were generally better than anything asked by the so-called pros in the mainstream media.

McCain has never been my top choice for the candidacy, but I agree with the analysis I've been reading: If he can perform like this for the next three months, he's going to crush Obama. The difference between the two was that stark.

Take a look at what these folks had to say about the event: Ace of Spades, Allahpundit, Ann Althouse, Victor Davis Hanson, Roger Kimball, Mark Levin, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Rich Lowry, and Glenn Reynolds.

UPDATE: Hugh Hewitt has a detailed analysis of Obama's greatest hits worst half-truths, misstatements and prevarications from the forum.

Posted by Mike Lief at August 19, 2008 05:33 AM | TrackBack


I watched most of McCain; I won't watch Obama. Ever. McCain was powerful and dynamic, stayed on the point, and expressed his positions well. I have even come to appreciate the fact that he was always in trouble as a middie. He might be able to pull this one out. Obama is helping him as much as possible.

Posted by: The Little Coach at August 19, 2008 05:18 PM

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