
September 04, 2008


Rudy Giuliani proved himself the pugnacious, in-your-face Noo Yawker we knew him to be, delivering a classic Gotham City-style street brawl to the GOP Convention. I listened to him on the radio and wondered how Sarah Palin would do, following an act like this.

I shouldn't have wondered. The video above contains about three and a half minutes of highlights from Palin's introduction to the American People, and it's clear to me that she's about the best politician to take the stage since Ronald Wilson Reagan.

I felt like I was watching greatness, a political star being born, albeit one that had begun burning brightly beneath the midnight Arctic sun years ago.

That was a tremendous speech, delivered under circumstances designed to make ordinary people wilt: the media attacking her 17-year-old daughter; political opponents questioning the authenticity of Palin's most recent pregnancy; journalists belittling her service as governor of Alaska; commentators indulging in chin-stroking, brow-furrowed discussions on whether it was fair to her children that this mother wasn't choosing to stay at home (Did anyone slam Biden for staying in the Senate after his wife was killed, leaving him to raise his two small sons?).

Rather than appearing cowed, unsure of herself -- or her decision to accept McCain's offer -- Palin seemed preternaturally confident, connecting with the audience in the hall and at home, communicating with great style who she is and what she believes:

She's a mom who went from the PTA to the Mayor's office, from Wasilla City Council to the Governor's Mansion, a fierce competitor who played high school basketball with a fractured ankle -- and someone who knows that, yes, if the Democratic Party believes that Obama is ready to be President, then Sarah Palin is more than ready to be V.P.

I mentioned earlier that Palin reminded me of Reagan, with one notable difference. Ronald Reagan was famous for his avuncular presence, the twinkle in his eye, his ability to deliver a sharp riposte without making you think that he was a cold-hearted S.O.B. However, Reagan was a man who kept a tight grip on his innermost thoughts and emotions, a man difficult to get close to, not willing to let many become familiar.

Palin, on the other hand, has an inner life that she wears on her sleeve. Married to her childhood sweetheart (She told him, "You're still my guy!" during her speech.) with five children she obviously adores, Palin seems much more open, more authentic, than Reagan, with a life story that is infinitely more compelling than his, her journey from small-town jock and wife of a fisherman to the stage at the GOP convention even more remarkable than Reagan's metamorphosis from actor to commander in chief.

I suspect that Palin will prove to be even more popular than Reagan -- when it comes to the affections of regular folk.

Simply the best political debut on the national stage I've seen.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 4, 2008 07:24 AM | TrackBack


Mike: You are 100% correct. This was the greatest political speech I have heard in many years. It was delivered by a confident, articulate, witty conservative. If John McCain does nothing else in this campaign except present this lady to the rest of the country, he will have been successful. But I come away from her speech, and now his, with hope that they will win. I think they can. More important, I think that, if they do, they will do as they say.

Posted by: ecmarm at September 5, 2008 06:23 AM

I have NEVER, EVER been so taken by a political speech in my life. I have never sat around discussing one like I have this one and I certainly have never gone back to watch highlights on YouTube. I have thought, up til now, that Obama was one of the most skilled orators of our time. He is now in second place.

Palin is more likeable, more honest and more genuine than Barack Obama. I actually believe that she and McCain would shake up Washington. She put her plane on E-Bay...what else needs to be said?

This country needs her. She is real and she is genuine.

Posted by: RW at September 5, 2008 11:56 AM

Palin is the real deal. Mike has been talking about her for months and he was RIGHT. She's an excellent communicator, conservative and accomplished. Most importantly, she's not a fat cat blue blood strain of Republican. She's a salt of the earth woman who has accomplished great things, even in the face of adversity. She's just amazing. Where Sarah leads, millions will follow.

Posted by: Bill H at September 5, 2008 10:53 PM

I have to agree with RW (okay, and all the other commenters actually). I have been bored as heck with political speeches for years, but am now excited again and looking forward to the election.

A few minutes into the speech I looked at a friend and remarked that I never thought we would see the likes of Reagan again and I certainly never thought to look to a woman. I was conservative with that thought because I was afraid I might be overreacting to the end of the long, dry spell. Apparently I was not alone in my thoughts. She is the most relatable candidate I have seen since the Gipper. I certainly hope the Stupids don't screw up this chance. Go vote!!!

Posted by: Thin Ice, Sr. at September 6, 2008 07:07 AM

So today the pundits on a national Obama campaign outlet (NBC) offered the earnest advice that Palin needs a new speech.

That's because, of course, the speech she has been giving is KILLING their Chosen One and is electrifying the local groups who hear it live for the first time.

She can give the same speech a hundred times in the Heartland and it will be Good News every time.

Posted by: The Little Coach at September 10, 2008 10:27 AM

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