
September 07, 2008

A reminder from the primaries ...

Obama's supporters didn't have good answer before Palin joined the race -- and still don't now -- about why he's qualified, what he's accomplished to justify him being the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.

And a reminder that Chris Matthews used to find the idea of an Obama candidacy risible, before he drank the Kool-Aid and turned into an acolyte of the Obamessiah.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 7, 2008 09:08 AM | TrackBack


Rudy and Palin opened a deep wound in Obama at the convention. Obama's experience is now the issue. Like a boxer in the ring, McCain has to show the will to target that wound by hitting him again and again right where it hurts. Obama's record is so pitiful that if it becomes "the" issue, I can't see him beating McCain and Palin.

Posted by: Bill H. at September 7, 2008 02:48 PM

What I cannot figure out is why people are not outraged at how UNqualified this man is for president...I understand that there are people out there who are pissed that we are at war and upset that the economy is in bad shape. I get that. They blame the republicans. What I do not get is their choice for the person that they think can lead us out of that???? Why? Seriously, I do not understand.

I like the rah-rah speeches. But, we need action.

Posted by: RW at September 7, 2008 09:56 PM

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