
September 10, 2008

When liberal media doesn't like the answers

Mike Gravel ran for the Democratic nomination this year as a former Dem who left the party because of his belief that the war in Iraq was as much their fault as the Republicans'. Gravel, who served in the U.S. Senate as one of Alaska's two senators, and had a long career in Alaska politics, is thrown a series of underhand slow pitches by the hosts on far-left Pacifica Radio who want him to attack the GOP's newest star, but he refuses to play ball, insisting that Sarah Palin is a fine pick for McCain.

The frustration of the hosts is palpable, especially when Gravel says that "Troopergate" is going to end with Palin's vindication.

The male host, sounding disappointed, asks if Gravel is going to vote for McCain-Palin.

"No way," says Gravel, because he doesn't agree with most of what they stand for, but, he adds, he won't vote for Obama-Biden, either, because the Democrats are the "party of war." Gravel says that the GOP couldn't have gotten us into the Iraq war without the help of the Democrats, making them just as culpable.

An interesting interview.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 10, 2008 07:15 AM | TrackBack


The Democrats and their media lapdogs ought to put a cork in "Troopergate" before the whole truth comes out and Palin looks even more like a crusader for truth, justice, and the American way. Pretty soon it will be clear the guy was lucky to only be fired.

Posted by: The Little Coach at September 10, 2008 10:14 AM

I think this interview shows you that independents like Palin. They see her as true to her word in terms of she will do what she says.

Good luck Barack and Joe because you are in for a long, tough fight. I really think that Biden and Barrack are exactly what they rail against-same old politics. Barack Obama and Joe Biden do not have the reputations of people who will fight their own party when they feel strongly about something. Palin and McCain have made careers out of doing just that. I do not want any President or VP who bows down to either party's platforms on every single issue. That is not leadership.

Barack has not shown LEADERSHIP in the democratic party. He has not demonstrated a commitment to paving his own way. He did oppose the war, I will give him that, but he was wrong on that issue anyway. What significant position other than that has he taken that is not completely in line with the democratic party?

McCain (and Palin) has shown over and over again that he will do what he thinks is right regardless of what the Republican Party thinks. While, this has irritated me at times, it also demonstartes courage and LEADERSHIP. The fact that he has forged friendships and alliances with democrats shows that he can cross party lines and unify portions of the opposing party. When has Barrack done that????

I see this election shifting very much in favor of McCain and I am willing to bet that the democrats are going to wonder what the hell happened when they lose another election come November. And after that....Sara Palin with the experience of having been a VP is a shoe in to be the first female President of our country.

Who is the party of change, now???

Posted by: RW at September 11, 2008 01:55 PM

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