
September 23, 2008

What are you eating?

I've been on a modified low-carb diet for the last few years, having dropped about 30 pounds of middle-age spread using the Atkins diet. As a result I've become a constant label reader, looking for the sugar and carb content of everything I buy.

In a nutshell, protein good, sugar bad. So, subtract the fiber from the carbohydrates on the label, which gives you the net carb content of an item.

But there are items that leave me a bit confused as to their effect on my glycemic index, so this site is quite useful.

Shredded wheat bran head.jpg

shredded wheat bran graphic.jpg

Here's the page analyzing Shredded Wheat 'N Bran, which is similar to Colon Blow, without the (ahem) embarrassing side effects.

There's a ton of data available, in easy-to-read charts and graphs, with drop-down menus to change portion size, as well as shortcuts to other foods.

Check out pages like Better Choices for Weight Loss; Optimum Health; and Weight Gain (thanks, but no thanks!).

It's a useful source for anyone interested in the nutritional content of prepared foods.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 23, 2008 09:08 PM | TrackBack


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