
September 28, 2008

Why do I loathe California's legislators?

For reasons too numerous to inventory, California's Democrat-dominated legislature is an almost perfect storm of incompetence and greed, coupled with a dedication to finding more creative ways to spend the taxpayers' money on stupendously stupid social programs, transferring our hard-earned greenbacks into the pockets of the latest victim group de jour.

Of course, some of that cash has to pass first though the pockets of the feckless crapweasels themselves, hence, this story.

SACRAMENTO (AP) - Californians have been feeling pain at the pump for months amid record-high gas prices, with one notable exception: state lawmakers.

Members of California's Legislature enjoy a perk not available in any other state capital - unchecked use of gasoline charge cards that stick taxpayers with the bill.

Through the first seven months of the year, California taxpayers have spent $220,000 to pay the gasoline charges of their lawmakers, according to a review of records requested by The Associated Press. That includes July, when lawmakers already were passed their deadline to approve a budget and the state faced a $15.2 billion deficit.

California is unique in giving legislators free rein on transportation spending, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In most other states, lawmakers must submit the same kind of mileage expense forms used by companies to reimburse employees for their business travel.


On top of free gas, California lawmakers also get state-issued vehicles, another perk that most states avoid.

The fuel card given to lawmakers is supposed to be used "for legislative purposes," but there is no way to check if they use it for public business or private travel.

Lawmakers pull up to the pump, swipe the gas card and never see the bill, which is sent directly to the Senate and Assembly rules committees. The taxpayers take over from there.

"I trust them," said Jon Waldie, the Assembly Rules Committee's chief administrative officer.

The charge cards also can be used for incidental purchases such as snacks, drinks, windshield wipers or even oil changes. Legislative officers said there is no way to know how much lawmakers are charging for those but said the bulk of the payments are for fuel.

Why would we expect the politicians in Sacramento to be responsible with the budget, when they conveniently give themselves a bottomless line of credit, perks galore, all on our dime.

"I trust them," said Jon Waldie, the Assembly Rules Committee's chief administrative officer.

Then you, sir, are an imbecile. There is no reason to trust them, certainly not on matters fiscal. The appropriate sentiment is, "I loathe them," but a more measured response would be that used by Pres. Reagan with the Soviets -- a particularly apt analogy, given the ideological bent of most of the members of the California Politburo Ruling Class -- "Trust, but verify."

Via Autoblog.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 28, 2008 01:34 PM | TrackBack


This sounds like the Democratically dominated WA state. A true example of "Do as I say and not what I deserve."

Keep the faith, I enjoy your blog.


Posted by: Nereus at September 28, 2008 03:45 PM

The Democrats in California are only surpassed in greed and corruption by the Republicans in Washington. John McCains says it himself. The Republican Congress robbed the American taxpayers blind. They deregulated and hired the head of large investment firms to run oversight agencies. Paulson and company turned a blind eye while the Wall Street robber barrons looted. Now they are asking for a bailout. I'll be in a soup kitchen line and the fat cats that did this will be drinking gin and tonic in the Hamptons.

Posted by: Toby at September 28, 2008 05:58 PM

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