
October 01, 2008

Creepiest video of the campaign

This one comes courtesy of fervent Obama supporters, who have enlisted a bevy of cute kids wearing their finest Obama-wear to film a quasi-religious musical tribute to the Supreme Leader.

Not surprisingly, once the Obama-bots began seeing how poorly this was playing with voters who haven't drunk deeply and often from their Kandidate's Kampaign Kool-Aid, they pulled the video off YouTube -- "disappeared" it from the collective memory.

However, nothing is ever truly gone from the internet, and conservatives are only too happy to keep this darned thing alive, for everyone to see.

It reminds me of nothing so much as the highly choreographed rallies for Maximum Leaders like Mao and Stalin, with stadiums packed with cheering children and starry-eyed adolescents -- much like the apple-cheeked kid in this video.

But Oscar-winning screenwriter -- and recovering Lefty -- Roger Simon found another video that's even closer in spirit to the Obama video than the one I linked to.


I think it's a fair comparison, if only to draw a parallel between the cult of personality that seems to animate the Obama campaign, and that which was so prominent in the totalitarian regimes of the last century.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 1, 2008 01:13 PM | TrackBack


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