
October 06, 2008

Click in case of emergency

As the markets continue to slide -- European investors feel the pain, too -- and the odds of an Obama administration, abetted by a Democratic-controlled Congress become more likely, sites like this seem a bit more relevant.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Can you tell I'm worried?

Posted by Mike Lief at October 6, 2008 09:06 PM | TrackBack


Perhaps its my Mormon roots but I've been preparing for years. I have stored enough rice, salt, beans and other essentials to survive for more than 2 years when it all goes down. We have a generator, stored gasoline and supplies to run a latrine on our property.

I chose 1 pistol caliber and 1 standard handgun to train my wife and daughters with. We all shoot the Glock 17. I have several carbines in 9mm. I have a semi-automatic 12 gauge if it really gets bad.

We've all taken classes in First Aid and have plans regarding where to meet and how to get home if we are separated.

I'm convinced that it's all coming down. It's time for everyone who loves their family to prepare.

Posted by: Dean at October 6, 2008 10:14 PM

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