
October 13, 2008

Anytime you're ready, my friend

Posted by Mike Lief at October 13, 2008 10:04 PM | TrackBack


Bulls**it and brilliance are supposed to come with age and experience. Not in the case of McCain. Despite his military experience, he is showing tactical and strategic deficits against the nimble and eloquent Obama. He is unable to articulate the impressive list of his 26-year history of accomplishments in the Senate. Obama is by far the better politician.

Obama-the-liberal is allowed to pose as Obama-the-centrist. Obama-the-dove is allowed to project the facade of Obama-the-hawk when it comes to radical extremists hunkered down in Afghanistan.

So it is written and so it shall be that because of the inept McCain, Barack Hussein Obama will be the next president of the United States.

Posted by: Seth at October 14, 2008 09:25 PM

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