
October 21, 2008

Palin on Biden's warning about Obama

You know, for all the talk from the left about Gov. Palin's (alleged) shortcomings, every time she speaks directly to the public -- bypassing the media Obama shills -- Palin seems to be a tough, to-the-point campaigner with a go-for-the-throat instinct.

Would that McCain had it, too.

Anyhow, check out what she had to say today in Reno about Joe Biden's warning about Obama.

Two weeks from today, Americans will be asked to cast their vote for the next president of the United States. There’s no time to wait. Let’s get right to it.

Did you hear what Senator Biden said at a fundraiser on Sunday? He guaranteed that if Barack Obama is elected, we’ll face an international crisis within the first six months of their administration. He told Democrat donors to mark his words – that there were “at least four or five scenarios” that would place our country at risk in an Obama administration. Thanks for the warning, Joe!

He didn’t specify what all those four or five scenarios will be, but for clues, let’s review the Obama foreign policy agenda.

Our opponent wants to sit down with the world’s worst dictators. With no preconditions, he proposes to meet with a regime in Teheran that vows to “wipe Israel off the map.” Let’s call that crisis scenario number one.

Senator Obama has also advocated sending our U.S. military into Pakistan without the approval of the Pakistani government. Invading the sovereign territory of a troubled partner in the war against terrorism. We’ll call that scenario number two.

He opposed the surge strategy that has finally brought victory in Iraq within sight. He’s voted to cut off funding for our troops, leaving our young men and women at grave risk. He wants to pull out, leaving some 25 million Iraqis at the mercy of Iranian-supported Shiite extremists and al Qaeda in Iraq. By his own admission, this could mean our troops would have to go back to Iraq. Crisis scenario number three.

After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine next. That would be crisis scenario number four.

But I guess the looming crisis that most worries the Obama campaign right now is Joe Biden’s next speaking engagement. Let’s call that crisis scenario number five.

The real problem is that these warnings from Joe Biden are similar to his earlier assessment of Barack Obama. It wasn’t so long ago that he said Barack Obama wasn’t up to the job, and that, quote, “the presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.”

The same Joe Biden said he would be honored to run on the ticket with John McCain because, quote, “the country would be better off.” And here we have some common ground. I want a president who spent 22 years in uniform defending our country. I want a president who isn’t afraid to use the word “victory” when he talks about the wars we are fighting. I want a president who’s ready on Day One. I want a president with the experience and the judgment and the wisdom to meet the next international crisis – or better yet to avoid it. I want John McCain as our commander-in-chief.

Seems to me that Palin manages to make a concise, cogent argument against Obama -- and in favor of McCain -- by using Joe Biden's own words against his runningmate.

I hope McCain makes more use of Palin over the next two weeks.

My more fervent hope is that Joe Biden talks a lot between now and November 4th, too.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 21, 2008 11:18 AM | TrackBack


You Republicans just make me want to laugh and cry in the same breath. McCain is a tired old man who pushed along side with George Bush to launch the United States into an illegal war. You have tarnished our country's image throughout the world. Republicans sold the world lies and you wonder why the world no longer wants to follow us. You deregulated our economy and caused the crash of financial institutuons the world over. When a poor man needs help for a kidney transplant, you'll let him die if he has no health insurance. You'd let his orphans starve. When the bankers are in trouble, however, you Republicans will give them nearly a trillion dollars to keep them fat and happy.

Posted by: Bud Melman at October 21, 2008 06:48 PM


1) I'm not a Republican.

2) The war isn't illegal; Congress authorized the use of military force.

3) Our image across the world is unimportant to me; if acting in our national interest leaves the rest of the planet holding its breath and laying on the floor in a global tantrum, so be it.

4) Your belief that the "world no longer wants to follow us" presupposes that "the world" ever wanted to do so.

5) The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fiasco falls squarely on the Democrats, who forced lenders to offer loans to people who were not otherwise qualified. That they were likely to default on them was no surprise, which is why the banks had to be forced to make the loans in the first place.

6) Health care is not a right; feel free to pay for your neighbor's policy if you so desire. You'll notice that Hawaii cancelled it's state-funded universal healthcare for children because no one could see the point in paying for their own health care when the state was offering it for "free," causing the state's healthcare-related costs to explode. The lesson is, of course, that Robert Heinlein's TANSTAAFL* principle is still in effect.

7) If there's any evidence of anyone starving to death in the United States -- aside from models and actresses -- I can't see it. As a matter of fact, I routinely see a pretty representative slice of American socio-economic life in the criminal court system, and the only Starvin' Marvins I can see are the meth freaks. And, when it comes right down to it, I have no problem with faith-based organizations helping orphans; I just don't want to funnel my charitable donations through the sticky-fingered whorehouse that is otherwise known as Congress.

8) Hey, bud, if you read a bit deeper on my blog, you'll find that I was opposed to the bail out.

9) And, once again, I'm not a Republican.

*There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

Posted by: Mike Lief at October 21, 2008 07:40 PM

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