
October 22, 2008

Glasses help cyclists avoid becoming roadkill

Nike Hindsight glasses.jpg
Hindsight in action.jpg

Anyone who's ridden a bicycle on urban -- and suburban -- streets knows vigilance and paranoia are necessary for avoiding distracted, inattentive and just plain insane motorists.

A new pair of glasses from Nike use old technology to give bicyclists a little early warning. Called Hindsight, the specs feature Fresnel lenses in the corners, giving the wearer an expanded field of view (call it Super Duper Peripheral Vision), useful for spotting a car sneaking up on what would otherwise be a potentially lethal blindspot.

Using old tech in a new way to say lives is pretty darn impressive. Especially given that it's been more than 160 years the Fresnel lens was first used in a commercial application.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 22, 2008 07:44 AM | TrackBack


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