
October 23, 2008

Alfonzo Rachel: No longer Democratic ballot cattle

Alfonzo Rachel is a California musician (and YouTube auteur) who decided to post his take on the presidential campaign on his blog, using a series of videos to present a less constipated-than-normal rebuttal to the pro-Obama forces.

Rachel Lucas went to the trouble of posting a transcript of this particular video, for those of you who prefer reading (or still have dial-up).

This excerpt from the middle of the video, where he goes hammer and tong after the Dems -- and their complacent black supporters -- is particularly good.

They have been farming your votes for decades. For you are ballot cattle for the Democrat Party. It keeps their livestock fat with a healthy dose of pandering.

Here’s some feed for your victim mentality.

Here’s some feed to keep your prejudice against the Republicans so you’ll vote against them and vote Democrat instead.

Here’s some feed to stimulate your animosity against the rich as if a poor person can give you a job.

Democrats keep that livestock fat with them Welfare checks and food stamps.

And here the dependents come right on time on the 1st and the 15th, like chickens running out to the yard waiting to peck that feed.

Heeeere sucker, sucker, sucker, sucker.

Y’all, they got you. They been havin’ you. The system that you hate so much is the very system that you keep giving power to.

And right now, Obama is the face of that power.


It pains me to see y’all still on the plantation with chains on your brain. I escaped, y’all. And I’m trying to come back and pick the lock on them shackles that you still have on you.

You know, when people put crabs in a bucket, they don’t have to put a lid on it. You know why? ‘Cause if a crab tries to crawl out, another crab’ll grab it and pull it back down there with it. And that’s what liberals are like.

You got a brother that tries to climb out of the bucket and you got another hater that’ll pull him right back into that bucket. Back into that bucket of blame and victimhood.

Pretty strong stuff, from a man who says that he came to his opinions notwithstanding peer pressure, accusations of Uncle Tom-ism, and his family's staunch support for the Democratic party going back generations.

Well said.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 23, 2008 10:01 PM | TrackBack


Mr Alfonso Rachel: A misguided young Black man, who continues to be enslaved by his oppressors' ideology based on Reductio ad absurdum.

Posted by: justthefacts at November 10, 2008 11:35 AM

Why did "justthefacts" refer to Mr. Rachel as "just another misguided black man"? What if he were white; would you call him a bigot or racist? Is "justthefacts" saying that the Negro race cannot possibly succeed with out the welfare and government handouts that so many continue to believe will end all social divides? Keep preaching my Christian Brother! You speak truths that liberals cannot comprehend.

Posted by: DLC at November 18, 2008 10:29 AM

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