
October 28, 2008

The spiders have returned to my backyard

Garden Spider on dew-laden silken strands. Click on image for full-size version.

The spiders have returned to our backyard, in greater numbers than before. We now have three large beasties lurking in the trees during the day, only emerging at night to fix the day's damage to their webs ... and feast on the liquified flesh of their prey.

This is the view during the daylight hours, just a shadowy lump nestled in the branches of the Bailey's Acacia. Let me adjust the exposure to give you a better view.

Yeah, a tree-dwelling relative of the crab, just biding his time until lunch comes too close. It gives me the heebie-jeebies to think of them sitting in the trees, watching me with all eight eyes (actually, twenty-four eyes, as there are three of them) ready to pounce.


Posted by Mike Lief at October 28, 2008 11:56 PM | TrackBack


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